Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rig slots on Freighters/Jump Freighters

Add Rigs slots to Freighters and Jump Freighters.

Design Intent:
The idea is to make things a bit more interesting by giving freighter pilots the chance to make some tough decisions (more cargo, more armor/shield, more agility, more top speed ?), and for freighter killers to not have their job entirely cut out for them.

T1 Freighters: 3 slots, 225 calibration points.
Would allow for a combo of up to 3*T2 rigs, although not with Cargohold Optimizations, which could be a single T2 or a pair of T1's at most.

T2 Freighters: 2 slots, 150 calibration points.
Would allow for a combo of up to 2*T2 rigs, although not with Cargohold Optimizations, nor Capacitor Control Circuits, which could be a single T2 at most.

Maximum cargo:
  • Largest Freighter (Charon), with lvl5 skill and 2*Cargohold Optimization I (+32.25%): 1,297,703.70 cubics (from 981,250.00), 12% armor HP penalty (with good skills).

  • Largest Jump Freighter (Rhea), with lvl5 skill and Cargohold Optimization II: 441,562.50 cubics (from 367,968.75), 6% armor HP penalty (with good skills).

  • Freighters: up to 3*Anti-[DMG] Pumps II or 3*Trimark Armor Pumps II (72.8% armor bonus), 18% velocity penalty (with good skills).

  • Jump Freighters: up to 2*Anti-[DMG] Pumps II or 2*Trimark Armor Pumps II (44% armor bonus), 12% velocity penalty (with good skills).

Balance issues:

While the boosts are obviously significant, they're largely self-balancing: a maximum tanked freighter, if caught without escort, probably won't have enough of its extra HP or resists to crawl to safety, considering the velocity penalty, but it buys a few extra seconds/minutes to make things interesting if there are combat/support ships on both sides.

The maximum cargo option is largely a risk/effort/reward self-balancing equation: more capacity and less armor = moar l00t when it dies (faster) ; the same logic applies to other rigs relevant to freighters/jump freighters: more agility/speed can be gained to speed up (afk ?) travel at the expense of a weakened armor buffer.

The only 'free pass' is on Grid/Cap rigs, but they are of interest mainly to jump freighters, to speed up recharge time between jumps, and don't boost them so much that they can imbalance things, considering the calibration cost (max 1*Capacitor Control Circuit II, for a 20% boost to cap recharge).

Implementation issues:
This isn't a critical feature, but it's one that can be added by changing 3 values in the db on freighters/JF and one on all capitals.

To avoid screwing up with game mechanics on a larger scale, this change requires other capital ships "Packaged size" attribute to be increased to 1.3 million cubics.
Jita 4.4 would soon be camped by capitals if they could fit in rigged freighters…

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