Thursday, October 23, 2008

evemail-email integration.

Feature description:

evemail-to-email forwarding:
Give users the option to enable evemail-to-email forwarding in "My account" page, on a per-character basis.
When activated, every evemail received in the character inbox is relayed by smtp to the email address listed as contact for the account, with the character name as recipient.

Character email 'address':
Additionally, the option to enable a public email address for one's character could be made available by way of a simple email redirection with the following format pointing to the contact address for this character's account.

Down the road, email-to-evemail redirection/forwarding could be added, dependant on other preconditions being met (see below).

Implementation issues:

There is an obvious risk of spam increase with these changes, and it's not suggested to implement them without some improvements on the auth side of things: evemail/email integration is largely an enabler feature, meant as a compliment to the BetterAPIkeys set of functionalities.

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